Zoia Horn

Zoia Horn

Zoia Horn at the Internet Archive in 2010
Born 1918 (age 93–94)
Odessa, Ukraine
Alma mater Brooklyn College & Pratt Institute Library School
Occupation Librarian and Activist

Zoia Horn (born 1918 in Odessa, Ukraine)[1] is an American librarian who is considered to be the first librarian ever to be jailed for refusing to divulge information that violated her belief in intellectual freedom.[2] Horn, an outspoken member of the American Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee, worked at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania in the early 1970s.[2] Horn was jailed for nearly three weeks for contempt after refusing to testify for the prosecution in the 1972 conspiracy trial of the "Harrisburg Seven" anti-war activists.[2][3]


Early life

Horn was born in Odessa, Ukraine in 1918, the daughter of a family of shopkeepers.[1] She emigrated to Canada, then to New York City, with her family at age 8.[1][4] She attended Brooklyn College and the Pratt Institute Library School,[1] and began working as a librarian in 1942.[4]

In 1964, she won a Humanities Fellowship to the University of Oregon where she became active in librarians’ organizations and conferences.[1] She began working at the UCLA library in 1965, where she participated in daily vigils protesting the Vietnam War. She later recalled that she attended the protests "always wearing good shoes and gloves, the proper lady-librarian," hoping to show that war protestors were "ordinary folks."[1] In 1968, she was hired as Head of the Reference Department at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, where she continued to work with peace activists.[1]

Harrisburg Seven trial

In January 1971, Horn was contacted by the FBI, seeking evidence involving Phillip Berrigan.[5] Berrigan, a Roman Catholic priest and anti-war activist, was serving a sentence in a nearby federal prison for burning draft files concerning the Vietnam War.[4] Berrigan, from his jail cell, was alleged to be plotting along with six other individuals (Harrisburg Seven), to blow up heating tunnels beneath Washington, D.C., and to kidnap Henry Kissinger, the national security adviser to President Richard Nixon.

A prisoner, Boyd Douglas in Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary on a work/study program who also worked at the Bucknell library relayed letters, allegedly including anti-war plot details and love letters, from fellow anti-war activists, including Sister Liz McAlistair, to Berrigan in prison. Horn and an other library employee at Bucknell testified before a grand jury. During the trial, they were subpoenaed to testify for the prosecution, but Horn refused to testify at the trial on the grounds that her forced testimony would threaten intellectual and academic freedom. [5] [5] Horn served 20 days in Dauphin County Jail, but was released after the prosecution's case was found unreliable.[5] At the time, the Los Angeles Times published a UPI photograph of Horn being taken from the courthouse in handcuffs and reported: "Mrs. Zoia Horn Galloway, a former Bucknell University librarian, was jailed for contempt ... after refusing to testify despite being granted immunity."[6]

Horn was jailed for almost three weeks "for refusing to testify for the prosecution in the sensational trial of anti-war activists accused of a terrorist plot."[4] Horn stated: "To me it stands on: Freedom of thought — but government spying in homes, in libraries and universities inhibits and destroys this freedom."[5]

Later work for academic freedom

After her release from prison, Horn continued to speak out on issues of academic and intellectual freedom. At first, the American Library Association's Executive Board refused publicly to support Horn’s stand against the government’s attempts to intimidate and silence Vietnam War protesters.[5] Later, after questioning Horn for hours, the Board reversed its stance and officially commended Horn for her "commitment...in defense of intellectual freedom."[5] Eventually she was given assistance by the association's Social Responsibilities Round Table, as well as the Leroy Merritt Humanitarian Fund and the Freedom to Read Foundation. Judith Krug, longtime director of the American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom, has called Horn "the first librarian who spent time in jail for a value of our profession."[4]

In 1995, Horn published her memoirs, titled ZOIA! Memoirs of Zoia Horn, Battler for the People’s Right to Know.[7] In its review of Horn's memoirs, the Library Journal called Horn "a courageous crusader."[8] Horn has continued to speak out on issues of intellectual freedom, including writing an article on a small-city Oklahoma librarian who was dismissed by the City Commission after being accused of supplying "subversive" materials (including subscriptions to The Nation, The New Republic and Soviet Russia Today) at the library.[9] She has also defended a gay librarian in Oakland, California who was "attacked for creating a display of gay library materials," and speaking out against the Patriot Act.[1] She has also spoken in opposition to libraries' proposals to charge fees, arguing that the "payment of any fee in a public library" resembles censorship in creating "barriers to information access."[10]

Opposition to Patriot Act

Most recently, Horn has been outspoken in her opposition to the provisions of the Patriot Act concerning library surveillance, and allowing the FBI to obtain a warrant from a secret court for library or bookstore records of anyone connected to an investigation concerning terrorism or spying.[2] Interviewed at age 84 by the San Francisco Chronicle, Horn was asked about the FBI's monitoring of America's libraries. Horn said that her first thought was: "Here we go again."[4] Horn has criticized the law on grounds that it does not require any showing that evidence of wrongdoing is likely to be found or that the target of its investigation is involved in a crime.[5] A librarian could be served with a warrant and must surrender records of the patron's book borrowing or Internet use and is prohibited from revealing the search to anyone — including the patron.[5] Horn has encouraged librarians to protest against the Patriot Act by refusing to comply. She noted: "They have (another) option, the option I took, to say this is not appropriate, this is not ethical in the library profession. It undermines the very essence of what a publicly supported library is."[4]

Zoia Horn Intellectual Freedom Award

The Intellectual Freedom Committee of the California Library Association annually awards the Zoia Horn Intellectual Freedom Award,[11] which "honors Californian people, groups, and organizations that have made significant contributions to intellectual freedom in California." Horn has said of the award named in her honor: "I have especially warm feelings toward this honor because the CLA has been very supportive of my efforts."[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i Dorothy Bryant (2004-01-09). "Zoia Horn Takes Pride in Provoking". The Berkeley Daily Planet. http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/issue/2004-01-09/article/18064?headline=Zoia-Horn-Takes-Pride-in-Provoking. 
  2. ^ a b c d Faye Chadwell. "Actions Spoke Louder than Words: The Courage of Zoia Horn". University of Oregon LSA News. http://lsa.uoregon.edu/newsletter05/0508news.html. 
  3. ^ Jack Nelson (1972-02-25). "Judge Rebukes Clerk in Trial at Harrisburg". Los Angeles Times. 
  4. ^ a b c d e f g Bob Egelko (2002-09-16). "FBI snooping has librarians stamping mad: Local woman jailed in '70s in informant flap". San Francisco Chronicle. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/09/16/BA229715.DTL&hw=zoia+horn&sn=001&sc=1000. Retrieved 7 December 2008. 
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i Zoia Horn (1995). Zoia!: Memoirs of Zoia Horn, battler for people's right to know. McFarland & Co.. ISBN 0-7864-0071-4. 
  6. ^ Jack Nelson (1972-03-04). "Plan to Kidnap Kissinger Told at Priest Trial". Los Angeles Times. 
  7. ^ Horn, Zoia (1995). ZOIA! Memoirs of Zoia Horn, Battler for the People’s Right to Know. McFarland & Company. ISBN 0-7864-0071-4. 
  8. ^ Hitchcock, Eloise R. (1995-04-15). "A courageous crusader — Zoia!: Memoirs of Zoia Horn, Battler for the People's Right To Know by Zoia Horn". Library Journal. 
  9. ^ Zoia Horn (May 2002). "The Dismissal of Miss Ruth Brown: Civil Rights, Censorship and the American Library". Journal of Academic Librarianship (Ann Arbor, Michigan). 
  10. ^ Stephen Schwartz (1995-08-02). "S.F. Public Library to Charge Fee for Some Research". San Francisco Chronicle. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/1995/08/02/MN50701.DTL&hw=zoia+horn&sn=002&sc=321. 
  11. ^ Zoia Horn Intellectual Freedom Award

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